Messages Meghan McKenna's Message Board Meghan's Journal Feb 14-19

Feb 14-19

Feb 14-19

02-19-2006, 08:59 PM
Wow, I can't believe its been five days and I haven't written a thing. Time has gone by so quickly. I must say my heart has opened up and things I never knew exsisted are flowing out and continue too. Bits and piece of myself on deeper levels are surfacing and I have really been called on my truth, faith, and intention. It all comes back to love and fear. I have been filled with nothing but love, compassion and graditude.

I went before the entity on Wednesday and asked him a few questions. 1. Should I take the experimental drug MDX-10, 2. Can I get CAT Scans and MRI before my fourty days. (fourty days from your surgery there are restrictions on diet, no sex, no alternative treatments or other treatments that may interfere with the entities work) (But the casa rules also say that you should continue on any medication etc. as they are not Medical doctors). 3. Should I stay longer.

He looked into my soul and said "you can stay longer". I left feeling as though he didn't answer my questions and I wanted him to tell me what to do....or at least say you must stay. I have learned this past week that we need to do this healing work on our own. The entity is here to heal and guide us not tell us what to do. When there is something that will harm you etc then he will tell you to something specific. So I sat and meditated on this. I came to a conclusion that I would stay one week longer unless there were major difficulty with the airline tickets. And there were. Because I was gifted miles the only way I could stay longer is if I bought a new ticket. So there was my answer. I would go home.

I went before him again. Now this entire week I've been wanting more surgery...can you believe that. There were other people who had questions and would go before the entity, the entity didn't even look at the questions and would just say surgery. Most of these people were disappointed and here I was wanting the surgery. "Just get it all out of me" I thought. I have now learned that this healing is on a much deeper, spiritual level. I am learning bits and pieces on spiritualism and have already bought a few books to learn more. It explains on a deeper level why I have cancer. I will write more about this later.

I went before the entity again and my list was as follows. 1. Cure me of all the cancer in my body. 2. Can I receive reiki treatments before my 40 days 3. I handed him pictures. He looked at the pictures (there were pictures of two people one of them was my reiki master....she just wanted to have her picture brought for kicks). Then he looked at the pictures and then at me with a big smile (first time he ever smiled at me) and he laughed. He said "yes you may receive reiki treatments from her" as he turned Maries picture towards me then he put it in his basket of people he works on. Then he said passi flora herbal presciption for the other photo. I couldn't believe it. He knew K. Marie was my energy worker. I was blown away and still a little disappointed that he didn't want me to get surgery.

Next time I went before the entity (mind you these entities all have different personalities, some more loving, others very stern. He can incorperate up to 60 different entities some were doctors other are saints etc.) it was revision for my surgery. I got my stitches out the night before. I went before him with four things. 1. Please continue my healing in the US. 2. Am I complete with my healing. 3. How many times must I come back. 4. Can I sit in the entity room. This entity was more on the stern side. I don't even think the questions got asked. As I stepped forward he was waving me away. I wasn't even before him for 2-3 seconds. He said something and the translator said you need to come back one more time. The times before I got to hold the entity's hand this time I got the cold shoulder but probably the most important information. Each time you go before the entity you then go and sit in the surgery room for 5-10 minutes. There are mediums in there and there are entitys that work on you. I began to cry. One more time. I know I will be coming back here for the rest of my life...but one more time for healing. I've already decided I'm coming back in mid April-May. I heard from others that they must not leave, must come back 4 time and one person must come back 10 times. This is why I cried.

My group has left and that was really sad. We have created a loving, open space and it has to come to an end. I have made long lasting friendships and have a deep love for everyone here. I have been inspired by a poem/writting. I am going to post it seperately to explain some of what I am feeling here. Its right along my plane and couldn't be better said.
02-19-2006, 08:59 PM #1

Wow, I can't believe its been five days and I haven't written a thing. Time has gone by so quickly. I must say my heart has opened up and things I never knew exsisted are flowing out and continue too. Bits and piece of myself on deeper levels are surfacing and I have really been called on my truth, faith, and intention. It all comes back to love and fear. I have been filled with nothing but love, compassion and graditude.

I went before the entity on Wednesday and asked him a few questions. 1. Should I take the experimental drug MDX-10, 2. Can I get CAT Scans and MRI before my fourty days. (fourty days from your surgery there are restrictions on diet, no sex, no alternative treatments or other treatments that may interfere with the entities work) (But the casa rules also say that you should continue on any medication etc. as they are not Medical doctors). 3. Should I stay longer.

He looked into my soul and said "you can stay longer". I left feeling as though he didn't answer my questions and I wanted him to tell me what to do....or at least say you must stay. I have learned this past week that we need to do this healing work on our own. The entity is here to heal and guide us not tell us what to do. When there is something that will harm you etc then he will tell you to something specific. So I sat and meditated on this. I came to a conclusion that I would stay one week longer unless there were major difficulty with the airline tickets. And there were. Because I was gifted miles the only way I could stay longer is if I bought a new ticket. So there was my answer. I would go home.

I went before him again. Now this entire week I've been wanting more surgery...can you believe that. There were other people who had questions and would go before the entity, the entity didn't even look at the questions and would just say surgery. Most of these people were disappointed and here I was wanting the surgery. "Just get it all out of me" I thought. I have now learned that this healing is on a much deeper, spiritual level. I am learning bits and pieces on spiritualism and have already bought a few books to learn more. It explains on a deeper level why I have cancer. I will write more about this later.

I went before the entity again and my list was as follows. 1. Cure me of all the cancer in my body. 2. Can I receive reiki treatments before my 40 days 3. I handed him pictures. He looked at the pictures (there were pictures of two people one of them was my reiki master....she just wanted to have her picture brought for kicks). Then he looked at the pictures and then at me with a big smile (first time he ever smiled at me) and he laughed. He said "yes you may receive reiki treatments from her" as he turned Maries picture towards me then he put it in his basket of people he works on. Then he said passi flora herbal presciption for the other photo. I couldn't believe it. He knew K. Marie was my energy worker. I was blown away and still a little disappointed that he didn't want me to get surgery.

Next time I went before the entity (mind you these entities all have different personalities, some more loving, others very stern. He can incorperate up to 60 different entities some were doctors other are saints etc.) it was revision for my surgery. I got my stitches out the night before. I went before him with four things. 1. Please continue my healing in the US. 2. Am I complete with my healing. 3. How many times must I come back. 4. Can I sit in the entity room. This entity was more on the stern side. I don't even think the questions got asked. As I stepped forward he was waving me away. I wasn't even before him for 2-3 seconds. He said something and the translator said you need to come back one more time. The times before I got to hold the entity's hand this time I got the cold shoulder but probably the most important information. Each time you go before the entity you then go and sit in the surgery room for 5-10 minutes. There are mediums in there and there are entitys that work on you. I began to cry. One more time. I know I will be coming back here for the rest of my life...but one more time for healing. I've already decided I'm coming back in mid April-May. I heard from others that they must not leave, must come back 4 time and one person must come back 10 times. This is why I cried.

My group has left and that was really sad. We have created a loving, open space and it has to come to an end. I have made long lasting friendships and have a deep love for everyone here. I have been inspired by a poem/writting. I am going to post it seperately to explain some of what I am feeling here. Its right along my plane and couldn't be better said.

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12-05-2019, 04:40 PM #3


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